Camping, travel, events - I didn't realize it had been so long since I posted on my blog!!
Anyway - I have been having fun working on various layouts and trying new techniques with Alcohol Inks. I found a wonderful box that I am altering for a swap (sorry, no full pics just yet). Below is my first attempt. I messed up the instructions, but like how it looks a bit peeled/old. This is just my sample/trial one - the real one will be different colors and all. Since purple is my favorite, I figured that in case it works out - I want to have one I will enjoy!!
We also held a short and sweet tag class last week over at Below are the tags we created. Again - another pic from my cell phone as my camera was busy traveling!

Part two of this class of quickie tags will take place this week (Thursday). To attend the class, you just need to be a member of the site.
Starting in September, we will go to audio and visual and ability to ask questions of the instructor for our classes. Kind of a big step as we have had written instructions and video, but never together. I am really excited to make this step on my site.
A few of our upcoming classes include:
Post It Note holders
Tim Holtz Inspired tags
Spinner Album
Rolodex/Birthday reminder file
Ink and Water techniques
Alcohol Ink techniques