Well, never really left - just overwhelmed with keeping up with regular things. Hopefully everything will be back to normal now. Why the saddle reference? Well, I am a bit excited - below is Annie (Jack is behind). They have come to live with us. With this wonderfully non-standard winter weather, I hope to be riding soon!

I have had some time for a few projects - First, a telescoping mini album I created for someone who was retiring to have fun playing with their grandkids. The mini is a Laura Dennison (following the paper trail) design, and was a blast to create. Definitely making a few more of these.

I counted, and with tags and spaces, I believe this mini can hold over 100 photos (102 to be precise).
A few other projects have included learning how to use my gypsy (the word page in the following album is a great example) and finishing up the Senior's matchbook albums (design inspired by KathyOrta). The album is a mix of envelopes and paper bags and also changes from the band type cover she had created (it was beautiful, just not appropriate for a bunch of hockey players) to one that has a magnet embedded in the bottom cover and another under the puck on the cover. That way, even when filled it will stay closed and fit on the guys shelves as they head off for wherever.

PS - Want to get in on the 52 Week Swap? Round One of this second year just started this past week. If you have swapped with me before, you can still jump in. If you haven't and want to join in round 2 for this year, head over to www.scrapbookingfun.biz and you can sign up!