Sunday, August 17, 2008

Olympic Friendlies

My kids have been pretty bummed about the lack of coverage that actually shows the friendlies at the Olympics. We taught a group of girls at camp about Chinese history, a few words and were able to talk about the friendlies, what they represent and such. When you put their names together, you say "Welcome to Bejing". Some Chinese friends of ours sent the friendlies over for the kids as well as a beautiful book that has small pictures of the friendlies participating in every event for the summer games as well as postage stamps. Anyway, we made some friendlies swaps to trade with girls at camp - even some that we sent with some friends on their return trip to China earlier this week. This is a picture from one of the sessions teaching about China at camp.
Special thanks goes out to a great friend who made a Chinese for this presentation!

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