Rosie, the mom has a great disposition and seemed to take to the place right off. She jumped off the trailer and started eating. Once she made it to her pen, she seemed to like her water and is enjoying her hay.
Waffles, a baby girl, was very happy to roam around, and as one of ds discovered, is very light.
How sweet! I want to get some for our farm. I'm playing Marilyn's blog scavenger hunt for AMR :)
So very cute new family members you have. I found an answer to AMR scavenger hunt here. See ya on the MB.
So beautiful!!! Looks like Waffles is adjusting very well. I'm here for AMR's scavenger hunt.
They sure are cute animals. My DD would love them. AMR scavenger hunt sent me here today.
Wow - Marilyn's Scavenger hunt must have been really fun (missed it due to broken fences)
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