Well - after errands and all - day started out just fine. However, after errands, things got worse. Got home to find several things that were not very good and required a lot to hopefully make them better. Had two choices - let myself be overwhelmed, which is what I started to do, then as I was walking, I remembered that God cares and wants us to bring everything to Him. I did and it helps - now I know He will be giving me the strength I need. I also talked with a friend who is lifting the whole situation in prayer. It is a hard prayer to pry Thy will be done - especially when I know what I want, however, it is best.
On a happier note - I had been upset with kids this morning as they weren't putting the hose away correctly after using to fill water tanks (the waterer froze about 3 weeks ago - when the thaw comes, we can fix it). Anyway - when the hose gets kinks - they tend to break in cold, so putting the hose away correctly is very important.
Well - due to broken items, the easy old way to roll the hose up no longer exists - so my ingenius kids come up with something else. It uses a bucket and a little brother -

Guess what - little brothers are great tools after all!
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