to work on challenges!!! Whenever I just want to scrap, but no clear direction, I love to hit up sites with a lot of challenges or work on swaps. This morning - no kids, no hubby around - time to scrap! I managed to use (without any problem what-so-ever) 6 of my flowers from the Ephemera Flower swap over at The flowers from this swap totally rocked and work wonderfully with the older photos.
Started out over at and worked on KMG's photo background challenge! Remember - there is a challenge going on over there right now, so if you join the site, I would love to have you mention (on the boards) that Scraprageous sent you!!! If you work on a swap and complete it - we both get additional entries!! Thanks
Here are my results. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, once I gave myself permission to use some not so hot photos that I kept (because they are all I had). I am kind of happy with the results. I am debating covering the black 1992 with silver metallic letters so they show better, but not sure if I will yet or not.

I also have a challenge listed over at if you are interested - check out the Scrappy Challenges Section!
The next challenge site I hit, Sketches4All, run by Fia, has a lot of challenges going on. First, in Khristen's Challenges, I created the following for her July Challenge #1: 'round in circles. It required at least two circles, only one flower and the color red.

I used a core'dinations background - and went 'old school' by using my Fiskars Shape Boss embossing system to get the roosters and hearts (I love roosters, and they went with the 100+ year old house the photos were taken inside). Emboss, sand, and viola - love my background. Simple and easy. The red circles are all old scraps and the journal pocket contains the reason for the photos.
Next challenge - again over at Sketches4All, Jessica's Challenges - July ... Layout Journaling. Challenge was to journal directly onto your layout. Never really a problem for me, but I know it is for many. I also added a few bits of doodling here and there. I may add more, just haven't decided.

My final challenge that I completed for the morning, again at Sketches4All, was Stacy's June 26th Stash Challenge using a sketch (I love sketches) and a punch. I grabbed my favorite Martha punch (while I am not a huge fan of most of her product, her punch around the page punch sets are out of this world cool!!!), some Sassafrass lass papers I really like, some flowers from an ephemera swap over at and was off to the races!