It is the weekend!!! I am hoping to get some cleaning and organizing done today. Storms last night, however, they went around our location, though some people have been hit by wind and/or tornadoes.
I may have to try some Pecan Pie - here is a conglomeration of recipies I have found - do you have a good one?
Pie Crust
1 cup corn Syrup (dark or light)
1 cup Dark Brown Sugar (or light or mixture)
1/3 cup Butter
1/3 tsp Salt
2 tsp Vanilla (some use 1, some use 3)
3 eggs (some use 2, some use 4)
1 cup Pecans (anywhere from 1 cup to the entire bag)
mix all (except pecans) - pour into pie crust. top with pecans - bake at 350 for 45 minutes. Some recipes toast the Pecans first, others boil the all ingredients (except crust, eggs and pecans) to softball stage, then mix hot stuff and eggs, then this mixture goes with the pecans, then the whole thing goes into the crust bake as above
ok - so it is not really a full recipe, but if you like to play (like I do), you can do some experimenting! If you find a good combo, let me know.
Some of the gift cards/boxes I made for people last Christmas. Time to get to work on more!